Pat Woodall

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Snow tracks monotype

Buffalo Snow Tracks Monotype 32×48

Iris Blossoms Monotype is available for sale

Iris Blossoms 32X48″ Monotype

This artwork captured the beauty of the night

Teepee Petroglyphs Monotype 36×30

Pat Woodall artwork captures night life beautifully

Blue Moon Mesa Monotype 40×30

Another representation of the night by Pat Woodall

Ascending Moon Monotype 30×44

The view of night is again captured beautifully

Starlight Mesas Monotype 48×32

Animals grazing under the night sky in this artwork

Once Upon A Blue Moon Monotype 30×22

Deer hunters’ monotype

Deer Hunters Monotype 35×19″”

Turquoise forest monotype

Turquoise Forest Monotype 24×32″

Window view sunset monotype

Window View Sunset Monotype 32×24″

Red rider monotype

Red Rider Monotype 32×24″

Hunter’s moon monotype

Hunter’s Moon Monotype 32×48″ Framed

Reflections over boat monotype

Star Reflections Over Boat Monotype 32×48″


Taos Canyon Oil 29×41 Framed Oil”

Full moon silver mesa monotype

Full Moon Silver Mesa Monotype 48×32″

Stars in Snow monotype

Buffalo Stars In Snow Monotype 32×48″

Harvest teepees monotype

Full Moon Harvest Teepees Monotype 32×48″

Rising Over Taos Pueblo Monotype

Pueblo Ladies Moon Walk Monotype 32×48″

Taos Mountain Rio Grande Monotype

Summer Clouds Over Taos Monotype 48×32″

Women Starry Night Monotype

Water Women Starry Night Monotype 32×48″

Ladies Moon Walk Monotype

Full Moon Rising Over Pueblo Monotype 32×48″

Taos Valley Oil

Red Clouds Over The Rio Grande Monotype 48×32″

The beauty of a castle amidst nature by Pat Woodall

Taos Inn Oil Painting for Sale

Red rider monotype

Red Rider Monotype 40×30″

Deer hunters’ monotype

Winter Hunt Monotype 35″x19″

Window view sunset monotype

Sunset Window Monotype 33×24″

Turquoise forest monotype

Turquoise Forest 32×48″ Monotype

Yellow Moon Rising Monotype 32x48' 2000.00

Yellow Moon Rising Monotype 32×48

Ranchos Fiestas Oil Painting by Pat Woodall

Ranchos Fiestas Oil 32×40″

A Dancing Aspens Oil 40x40" Framed of a man riding a horse through a forest.

Dancing Aspens Oil 40×40″ Framed